Multi Media Projects from William David

Summer 2021



Sadly due to being let down [yet again] by Government lockdown plans to cast and shoot the film "InvisAble Me are once again in doubt.

Although there is a suggestion we may have "freedom" during July I like so many in the performance world have no trust that this would happen and simply we would be looking at another big bill for planning and no end result.

So once again we have uncertainty and the loss of one of the most important parts of the year for this kind of work.

Will just have to wait and see but I suspect it will just be to late for this year.

Closure of Station Office:-

May 2021 saw the final moving out of WildVen from The Station.

In truth it has been closed for over a year, but lockdown delayed the final moving out until earlier this year.

This is a positive action and should allow future work to expand in a way not possible at The Station.

The many limitations The Station had have often damaged or held back the work and moving forward once lockdown is cleared the future looks much brighter.


Can We Fix It?..... Now we can!

After endless problems at the station it is refreshing now to have taken control with the new "home".

The builders are confident they can build it - and at all times we take into account what we need to make video shooting work as well as all the other activities making up 2lo.

Lockdown determines the priority to each task required but the aim is to be operational late July.

The new logo for overall group activity is shown right.

It replaces WildVen as the public face of William David work

There will still be individual logo's for sections of the work.

This logo highlights the key objectives of the work and my commitment to it.

It remains important that all work is transparent and built on mutual trust.

"Charlie" will remain as the key logo for The Halfling, and will be seen throughout my work. 

The new logo [2lo]
